Friday, December 28, 2007

Second Taint of the Year

That's right, it taint Christmas and it taint New Years. Some year I just want to spend the week between Christmas Eve (Happy Birthday Mom!) and New Years Day drunk off my ass. Alcohol poisoning be damned!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy December Holiday and have an excellent New Year's Eve. Make sure you're near someone fun to kiss when that clock strikes twelve.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

This is What Being Married to Liza Minelli Does to You

I guess it's better than what happened to her first husband...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Cutest Thing Ever!

Found this through random web surfing. It's the banner for music reviews in the British rag "The Guardian". I love the little Abba people next to the little Frank Zappa person. I want to see a little Little Richard person. Or maybe all the Jacksons. And Dolly.

I apologize, in fact it turns out THIS is the cutest thing ever.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Things that Give me Chills

It being Winter and all, thought I'd share some youtubies that give me goosebumps. What makes you shiver all the good way.

Well I can't imbed Christina Aguilera's "Hurt"

I'll keep looking...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Someone Left the Cake Out in the Rain...

So I was getting my Donna Summers (Summer? is that one of those things like Safeway/Safeways and Fred Meyer/Meyers?) groove on and decided to see what came up on google when I typed in that ridiculous song lyric. And here you go.

Not sure why things get all political in those first two (stupid blogger posting the last one first). And what's on that lady's chin below them?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Reason #53 Why I'm Not Watching Two Girls One Cup

Because I don't think I could ever screech like those two.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What I'm Thankful For...

Peanuts and cheese...


After hanging out with the boys, recording two shows, and polishing off a bottle of vodka I stopped by QFC on the way home and bought cheese and peanuts. But I was good on my diet, my drink was a diet Dr. Pepper.

What's the weirdest thing you forget buying?


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Capitol Hill Cleans up it's Diet

Perhaps in honor of World Diabetes Day as posted below, Capitol Hill has just cleared Sugar from it's diet.

Or perhaps it's just that Sugar had a perpetual identity crisis and while it tried to be Babylon from Queer as Folk, marketed to straighter and straighter groups as time went by. Or perhaps it's because they've had looming threats of closures due to liquor liscense violations. Or perhaps it's the fact that 3 people were shot there last weekend.

Either way, it's kind of sad to see go. I never went that often, but really enjoyed the set up. Of course now the question is, with Sugar and Manray gone, where are all the ultra-hip judgemental pretty twink boys going to hang out and pose themselves? I don't know if R Place is cool enough (which is fine for me).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007

The Whole Damn World is Drunk!

I was just reading this AOL article and chuckling about fat lumpy Mickey Rourke getting a DUI on a Vespa (hee hee) and clicking through the slide show of celebrities who've gotten in trouble for the drinking when I stumbled upon THIS:

Now I don't know who this Jason Wahler guy is, but the article says he's in the Seattle jail for underage drinking. I think it's time for me do some deep, and bust him out. YUM!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

So a Bird Walks into a Store

As promised a few months ago when the weather was warm, here's the bird who goes into the store for Doritos.


"A seagull in Scotland has developed the habit of stealing chips from a neighborhood shop.

The seagull waits until the shopkeeper isn't looking, and then walks into the store and grabs a snack-size bag of cheese Doritos.

Once outside, the bag gets ripped open and shared by other birds.

The seagull's shoplifting started early this month when he first swooped into the store in Aberdeen, Scotland, and helped himself to a bag of chips. Since then, he's become a regular. He always takes the same type of chips.

Customers have begun paying for the seagull's stolen bags of chips because they think it's so funny."

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Is It Ironic That the Only Phrase She Gets Right... "I died a hundred times."?

This is essentially the vocal version of Brittany's missteping through the VMA's. It sounds like she has the right idea of the notes and a general concept of what the sounds should be, but the words just won't come out.

Normally I feel bad about Schadenfreude-ing someone's career but I think Amy Winehouse is an exception cause I didn't even know about her until the boozing and drugs happened.

It's gonna be a fun 2 more years while that flaming comet knowns as Ms. Winehouse burns her way out across the sky.

Thanks to popscribe for the headsup.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Found this on

I love Capitol Hill. And this sign makes me happy since I wasn't able to snap a shot of those red, yellow, blue, and green furry guys running around QFC with cases of beer last night.

It looks like this picture was taken on Pike across the street from Chapel. Mmmm if anyone wants to go out for some yummy Chapel martinis, you know where to find us....

Strange News Day!

Front page news on CNN this morning.

A dead cop's legacy to the entire world has the word DOUGHNUT in it.

And over to the side...Lance Bass married a girl in Las Vegas.

Halloween does some crazy things to the world.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here's the picture Matt was talking about in last night's episode. Looks kind of like those Wheelers from Return to Oz.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All I Want For Christmas...

Hey y'alls, it's that's time of year again. If you wanna show us your love, check out our wish list.

Thanks, love you bunches, and happy holidays!!

~The Galore Crew~

My Wish List

Friday, October 26, 2007

Best Stories Ever

Drinking stories throughout history. There was a punch of brandy, wine, sugar, and citrus juices that it took a WEEK to drain! OMG!

I miss aristocracy...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

And Here's Divine in Broad Daylight

As with the real Divine, perhaps sunlight is not exactly my pumpkin's friend, but how else do you show off the rindstones?

PS Again like the real Divine, my pumpkin is now rapidly decomposing from the ass up. Sadsies.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Things We Lost in the Fire

The movie with Halle Barrie opened on Friday. Is it just me or are ad campaigns getting progressively more tasteless?

Seriously, when the movie Things We Lost When Mt. Rainier Blew Up All Over Seattle, I'm moving.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mmmm, whip that magic wand out!

I'm sure everyone who cares has already heard, but Albus Dumbledore is a big ol' mo! The thought crossed my mind a while back, but since he never went to the gym or had work done, I figured it was me just wanting everyone to be gay.

Turns out they are :)

Looks like I've got a new costume for Pride next year!

Friday, October 19, 2007


On this day in 1945, a little drag queen named Divine (aka Glenn Milstead) was born. 21 years later she made her fabulous debut in the John Waters short film Roman Candles.

I first heard of her while in high school rehearsal for South Pacific when Josh Conkel (the only other broadway kid I knew at the time, but who was actually comfortable talking about it...even if it did take him until the fall after graduation to come out) made some comment about how a situation was Pink Flamingo's-esk and how "Divine was rolling over in her enoromous grave."

While she's no longer with us I'm sure Divine, along Leigh Bowery and so many others are having a blast celebrating her 62nd birthday and doing the biggest bump of coke in the universe.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Halloween Plans

The big day is approaching. I've got my costume picked out and Pakio's sewing it for me. Pakio and Matt have their costumes bought and now just need to Be-Dazzle them. But we still need somewhere to go.

SO...whazz happening?!

October 26th, or 27th we're 3 boys looking for a party or a bar in Seattle to hit while in costume. Suggestions?

PS Don't forget to contact us if you want to come to Pakio's party this Saturday on the 20th. Costumes not required.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy 100th Fiona!!

These two are always a big buttload of fun, but if you really want a giggle, go till about 35 minutes left when Taylor whips out the newspaper. Probably one of their best episodes.

Here's to 100 more!!

~Matty, Pakio, and Matt

Without Your Twirling it, the Earth Can Spin

This may be a little heavy for this blog but I figure the musical reference evens it out.

Iraq is finally insisting that Blackwater be pulled from the reconstruction effort. America's not sure how to react.

I just keep thinking of My Fair Lady. George Bush as Henry Higgins turns Iraq into his ideal of a "civilized" person, and then is shocked when that person is strong enough to survive on their own. Tony Blair is Colonel Pickering and Sadam Hussein is Alfred Doolittle.

Though I don't think Liza is going to come back and help us get our slippers.

BOOOO politics.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I haven't played a Mario role playing game since Super Mario RPG on the SNES, which I loved! I need to experience me some Paper Mario to catch up and then...Super Mario Galaxy!!

Merry Christmas to me!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Super Special Bonus Episode!

Check out our super special bonus episode: Turkey Loaf and Holiday Fun.

What makes it special? It's our second one this week.

WOOOO, we're on fire!

Contact us if you wanna come to the Halloween party next weekend!

PS Pakio's mic had some issues but he's still audible so you can download the show from our libsyn site or on iTunes.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The GAYEST Thing On My Ipod!

I just found it! Alan Cumming and Liza performing "Baby It's Cold Outside" on the Broadway Cares: Home For the Holidays CD. Seriously, the little added dialogue and the implied idea that he doesn't want her to leave so he can tap that fine Minnelli poon-tang is ridiculous. Plus their pacing sounds like they're both rolling around in seperate satin sheeted beds with hot boys about to sit on their respective faces.

This whole album is actually a bit of a hoot. Christine Ebersole's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", and Anthony Rapp & Everett Bradley's "Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy" are beautiful. Jane Krakowski's "Santa Baby" makes me want to remind her you can't be cute forever. There's a few numbers where you can tell some Broadway stars think awfully highly of themself. Lillias White's silent night where she keeps running notes like an American Idol Mariah Carey impression gets old very quick. But Patrick Wilson's "We Need a Little Christmas" is adorable and Gary Beach & Roger Bart's "Silver Bells" is another one you can picture being performed from a satin bed. Right before they cram their Christmas knobs up each other's stockings.

Thanks to my friend Rob for the loan of the cd.

What's the gayest thing on your iPod?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Apparently This is News

The yellow Wiggle is missing!

Oh wait, there he is. Though it might be a different guy.

Who the hell knows.

I'm honestly a little appalled the article is THIS long. There's not a war on or anything...

It's Ok Senator Craig...Come On Out...

It may be a day early, but it's hardly a buck short. October 11th is National Coming Out Day. Time to celebrate that inner strength we've all had to build up and use to tell Mom to stop bugging us about that fat girl in our English class and shout in her face "BUTT BABIES DON'T LIVE!!!" Shout in mom's face, not the girl's.

That doesn't make any sense.

Oh well. Sing along. "Come Out, Come Out, whereever you are..."

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

They'll Make a Musical Out of Anything!

This just in. Apparently Grumpy Old Men the Musical is making the rounds somewhere out there.

Should play great in South Florida.

I wonder what some of the songs will be..."Ice Fishing (Burning Heart, Freezing Ass)", "Something Smells Like Fish", "Dirty Old Man"...oh wait, that one's already in Forum.

What other songs should they have?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

OMG I'm SOOO Excited!!!

I know this is posted on a few different blogs but...for those of you who haven't seen it...


Directed by Tim Burton!!!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


So goes what I think is day 3 of the cold. And I'm at work too cause...well I thought I was a trooper.

WAAAAA! Poor Matty! WAAA!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mmmm pulpy

Found this while I was looking for pictures for a post on my personal blog.

Life is silly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mmmmm, mistrial, mmmmmm

Is it just me, or does Phil Spector look kind of like a skexies from Dark Crystal?

Would a Moment of Silence Be Ironic?

I love reading dead celebrities bios. This man fought the nazis!

At 83, Marcel Marceau is dead. Which raises that question, if a tree falls over in the woods and lands on a mime, does anyone care?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My New Favorite Vodka

After a day of digging around in the dirt for United Way on Friday, I stopped by Von's downtown to have a drink to get change for the bus (cause I lost my bus pass two weeks ago and blah, blah, blah). I sat directly across from the coolest vodka bottle ever.

Gotham Vodka.

I don't know how much the bottle looks like the Empire State Building but it's still got the art deco design I love and...ladies...WOW!

Like drinking water. Seriously. Sooooo smooth with just the hint of the good part of vodka flavor.

And $18 for a vodka on the rocks. Hmmm.

The bottle online is only $33 so I guess I learned two things:

1) Von's will completely rip you off (which isn't really news but still...


Again, we have a PO Box...I'm just saying.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Old Games are the Best Games

Because I'm a nerd I recieve a weekly e-mail that gives entymology of phrases. This weeks phrase "barking mad."

Apparently the first time the phrase was published was in an article about the sport AUTO POLO!!

Check out that picture. I wanna play!! hindsight there was probably a way to mention Auto-Polo without revealing what a big geek I am.