Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Worst Tuesday Pretending it's a Monday EVER!

After almost two weeks off, it's back to the grind. I had 130+ e-mails waiting for me when I got here this morning. Only a quarter of them talked about enlarging my penis, which means...well, you can do the math.

It's really not such a bad day. Pretty typical actually, and I certainly feel productive, whipping through the back log.

This surgery recovery is different than I thought it would be. At this point there's no real pain, just a general discomfort that increases and persists the longer I do things like sit or stand. On top of the interior gut uncomfortableness, there's a also the itchiness right above my belly button, which I know means things are healing but...it's an interesting sensation. Of course all this just makes me really worn out and tired, even though I've been really responsible recently.

God, I hope I don't ever get old, I bitch too much about my body. I'm sure no one wants to hear this.


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