Finally saw Hairspray the movie last night. OMG! It's a great show. Every number really knocks it out of the park. The re-orchistrations are often an improvement over the stage show. It's a lot of fun to see everything put together for film vs.stage. I loved the newcomer who places Tracey and found John Travolta to be a fabulous Edna. I certainly understand the issues around his casting, but he definitely made the film Edna his own beautiful haus frau. While the story kind of gets into a bit of a log jam in the last 15 minutes and it's kind of a distracting stretch to get around to "You're Timeless to Me" it's a wonderful, fun, movie musical that really does have you tapping along in your seat.
And more importantly...ZAC EFRON...droool! As someone who tries not to give into crappy teen fads (being 26 and all) I've avoided High School Musical like the plague. But when he stuck his tounge out for hair slicking in "I Can Hear the Bells" all I could think was "Why've I waited so long?" (well, that and, "I think I just had an accident in my pants.")
So for the 2 other faggoty broadway purists who've resisted him, I give you, Zac Efron, adjusting himself:
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