Monday, February 05, 2007

Ever Have One of Those Nights...

Where you just want to listen to sad music and massage that damaged heart til tears come. Or don't.

Wallow wallow wallow.

Is there irony in the fact that this is how I feel when I DON'T drink?

Sorry, I'll bring the funny later...

Congrats to Kate! I'm really proud of you!!


CatMorgan said...

I sense a happy hour! I'll come to you, and I'll bring a special bottle of rum that my boss brought me back from the Virigin Islands! Let me know when you're free, and we'll work something out.
Miss you.. :(

the cat

CatMorgan said...

I sense a happy hour! I'll come to you, and I'll bring a special bottle of rum that my boss brought me back from the Virigin Islands! Let me know when you're free, and we'll work something out.
Miss you.. :(

the cat