Friday, November 14, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Children's Viewing

Out of nostalgia, I downloaded some songs from Pete's Dragon and there's a certain song "I Swear I Saw a Dragon" that struck a memory cord. Thank goodness for youtube cause it helped remind me of the gentle innocence of my youth, watching Pete's Dragon on my grandparents VCR. In particular the song that starts at 3:35 and helps get kids associated with town drunks, masochistic behavior toward women, beer barrel rolling, and a pretty suggestive...shall we say...CLIMAX...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

60's Flashback

If you've never seen it, do yourself a favor this Halloween season and check out "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" It's a trip.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dumbest Medication Name Ever

This bipolar medication makes me smile with how on the nose the title is. I heard that originally the debate was between calling it "Make Not So Crazy Sad and Happy" and "Ablifyitinbutolcrillianostussin"

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Damn You America's Got Talent!!

I'm catching up on a few weeks of the show, and I know it's complete campy trash but wtf are you doing to my heartstrings NBC. For those of you who don't follow, there's this 4 year old girl Kaitlin who's adorable but there's no way she could sustain an act in Vegas, partly cause cute eventually grows up and partially cause how do you build a show around a 4 year old. Union regulations alone would make it more expensive than it's worth.

But she keeps getting voted through cause she's the freaking cutest thing ever. And tonight (well 2 weeks ago) in the top ten she comes out singing "I'll Be There" one of my favorite songs ever and I just wanna pick her up and take her home. Again I don't think she could sustain a show, but whoever has picked her songs so far would make an EXCELLENT producer cause they always have a great combination of good song in general to match up with good song to go with adorable Miss Kaitlin.

Of course all that said, I'm still mad at the show for voting off the baton boy who was adorable and reminded me of me but that's neither here nor there.

Over the Top...Even For Me

To be quite honest I really do love the song in this commercial, but doesn't it seem that it's a little melodramatic in an ad about a pharmacy. CVS isn't in Washington so this is all new to me but...seriously...I just wanna buy condoms and aspirin. Calm down people!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jesus is a Friend of Mine!

Cause when I think ska, I think Christians.

Stoned out of their gourd, goofy grinning, rasta loving Christians.

I love the piano that no one is playing in the middle of the group.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Yay Oscars Season

It's a couple months off, but with school resuming and fall getting into full swing, the previews for Awards Season movies have started. Here's one I've been anticipating for the past year. Gus Van Sant's stuff gets a little arty for me at times, but he's always quality. I think, as a gay man, he's also the perfect choice to direct what will definitely be an incredibly moving picture. Bust out the kleenex! And I don't just mean for James Franco's 70's porn stache.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


So I was trolling Craigslist primarily for my own amusement, not for a hook up. I just like nudie pics...sue me.

Anyway...I stumbled across this piece of work.

Oh My Gaud... I FORGOT To Have Kids!!!! - 54 (Up Shitz Creek)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-09-06, 1:06AM PDT

Oh My Gaud... I FORGOT To Have Kids!!!!

I love my gayz!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to School Shopping

It's my new favorite outfit from JC Penny I bought for my first day of class. I'm gonna pair it with pink capri pants and my new pink jellys. And I"m thinking a black and white polka dot headband with a hot pink daisy on one side. Come recess I'll be the most popular 12 year old girl on the playground!

Don't forget to go to bed early for the first day. See you on the bus.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Flash Back to High School

Oh the montages I could've assembled if I were in high school today. Back then it was 2 vcrs, my parent's stereo system and wires everywhere to make my parody's on VHS. Now it's all pretty much a camera and a computer and you've got more Brokeback Mountain parodys than you can shake a gay cowboy at. Enjoy!

And like Vanessa Williams, I've saved the best for last...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why I Love Movies (part 3)

Heaven help me, I can't be stopped!! Here's stuff from the best years of Woody Allen's films (as far as I'm concerned), the 1970's. I still think Manhattan (the black and white one) is HIGHLY overrated, but isn't the cinematography pretty?

Why I Love Movies (part 2)

What did I tell you? This is an excellent montage set to music from Stanley Kubrick's movies, I highly recommend it. The first 45 seconds are a little slow, but only because it gives you an excellent glimpse into his feel for the power of silence.

Enough with the film theory...enjoy

Why I Love Movies...

Every now and then it's nice to have a little reminder. Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors and I decided I was in the mood for a little film montage. The best films always inspire me to get to writing and creating. Of course half the time, once I'm home from the movies I've found someone more immediate to occupy my attention, but it's the thought that counts. Watch out, it's early in the evening, and I've got many more favorites...Kubrick, Fosse, Hitchcock...

MMMM movies...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flash Forward

I'm catching up on my Kathy Griffin Life on the D-List episodes and I have to say, I have a new hero. Kathy Griffin's MOM. After watching an episode I go to sleep and dream of being a sweet old person who always has a glass of wine in their hand and has HOT friends like Kathy's gay Patrick. I know he's signifigantly older than me but...whatever...yum.

Oh to be retired...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nerd Alert (part II)

So I've already talked about how excited I am about the new season approaching on I'll Drink to That but the previews for the new season of Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles have me all a twitter cause SHIRLEY MANSON from Garbage is acting as a reocurring character!! AWESOME. I realize this is only August and the excitement could be totally premature; who knows if she can act at all but still...EEEEEEEEE....excitement!

Monday, August 18, 2008

YAY Olympics!!

They're a chance to celebrate the diversity of our world, skilled athletes performing at the top of their ability, and a chance to see Oussama Mellouli dripping wet!!

Who's up for a trip to Tunisia?

Where the hell is it?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Buckle Up, It's A Bumpy Ride

Back in the late 90's I randomly caught this episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 with the Russian film Jack Frost. So if you've got 90 minutes to kill, here it is in it's fairy tale magical ridiculous entirety. Enjoy. And for those of you who watched bits and pieces on the VHS tape I wrangled this on to...enjoy AGAIN

It's so bad it's good OMG

Monday, August 04, 2008

Life is Silly

To distract me from work, I took it upon myself to find graphics for a friend of mine under the search "bubbelicious."

And here they are...BUBES

Friday, August 01, 2008

Heaven Help Me, I've Done It Again!!

That's right, another night on a weekend where I've started the beginning of a Project Runway marathon. Up now, Season 2. As a group, I'm not a huge fan, they're all kinda pissy pants. But they do have the lookers and now that cutie patootie Raymundo is gone, I need to see why my new boyfriend Nick didn't make it to fashion week.

See you all with the sunrise!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

O M G ! !

This is so close to the old Muppet Show, I'm very excited. Could this be the new generation of Muppety goodness? Viral Muppets on the internet? I had a case of viral muppets once...and now I'm sterile for life


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday Morning Flashback

On my latest fall into a YouTube hole, I've rediscovered the commercials I watched every Saturday as a kid. And then traveled back in time to see what Saturday mornings were like even before I was born. As fun as it was, listening to all the exciting music and seeing the flashing imagery, I think I know why my parents always sent me outside to play by about 11 or 12 o clock each Saturday :P. If I've done this right, the clips below should be in chronoglogical order, starting from the early 70's. It's like listening to my Pure Disco cds in commercial form! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why I Took Up Yoga

An artists rendering of the girl who watched me swim at the pool.

Thanks Jerimy. Razzle Dazzle Radio rocks!

Friday, July 11, 2008

OMG I'm So Excited

It's been a long time since I've had a good laugh at an SNL skit.


Baby Batter

In the spirit of NBC humor, it's been forever since I've watched Conan O'Brian (what with my 8 o clock bed time cause I'm old) but I remember fondly his "If They Mated" segments. This mash up doesn't have the audience reactions and funny jokes he makes when he does the segment, but it really gets to the heart of the matter :).

I always loved when the audience would just groan loudly as soon as they saw who the couple was even before the baby picture was revealed.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008

So Very Tired

Reason #32 why diet pills are a bad idea...

Hopefully I can sleep tonight.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Are We Sick of Pride Yet?

For whatever reason, I'm not. I searched this video for the boys but don't think I saw them.

See anyone you know?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

My Pride Theme Song

I don't care if it's after the fact. This clip from HR PuffNStuff goes right up there with Free to Be You and Me.

What else did I miss from the 70's?

More From Pride!

It's about a month later, but here's me and my movie night buddy at Pride.

Yay movie night!

Friday was Valley of the Dolls and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls!

Next one will be Grey Gardens and The Beales of Grey Gardens

The one after that will be Beaches and Fried Green Tomatoes



Saturday, June 21, 2008

Getting Political

Cause I'm watching documentaries and thinking there should be more than two states where I can married...

And I think I've posted this before, but it's still good.


A lot of my friends think I'm kind of weird for taking time to watch old silent films and watch things no one would bother with now a days. And then I saw this...

Obviously that's not the original music.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Post 301

Hey Matty, how was your Pride....?


Friday, June 13, 2008

Please Don't Take My Man

There's work related reasons I tracked this down, but also it's just a fabulous piece of Dolly. We'll have to check with Pakio and Matt to see if she actually performed it at her show once they go.

I do have one question. Why is she grinning like a moron while she's singing to the woman who's gonna steal her man...?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This Made My Brain Hurt

This is worse than the Weezer video below.

To set the scene, the soundtrack is the original We Are The World recording. It's NOT the original performers. It's primarily American 80's stars filmed by a Scandanavian tv channel some time in the rather recent past. For some reason.

A few things heard uttered when watching this:
"When did Irene Cara get old?"
"the first time I saw Rick Springfield in his 50's I knew I wasn't a kid anymore"
"I'm sorry, my brain just oozed out my ear"
"'s Madam Mim from Sword and the Stone...oh's just Bonnie Tyler"
"god damn this song goes on...this...there's no words"
"I wonder how many kids starved to death while this song played"
" like they were standing off camera and the Pointer Sisters were all holding sandwhiches going "nooo, you can't have any"
"not until the song is OVER!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Memory Lane...


How did my parents NOT know I was gay...

I'm trying to figure out if Ben Vareen did this before or after his stroke. Maybe it's just hard to get work when your most famous role was Judas...

Monday, June 09, 2008

He opened his mouth...

...and a purse fell out. That's essentially the thought that kept floating through my head all yesterday at LA Pride. Not my line (it's actually from PNS Explosion) but it's apt. SOOOO MANY HOMOS!! And they were so pretty!

And I forgot to put on suntan lotion. So now I look like this:

All the pretty boys just ran away when I approached them, arms outstreched and said "MMMMM, GOOOOD!"


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Self Referential...Post-Post Neo-Viral Awareness Bananas

I can pretty much take or leave the song, but this viral video with stars of viral videos is another element of 21st Century pop culture which just caused me to have a stroke.

Friday, May 23, 2008

People Are So Silly!

I hope everyone enjoys this new trailer from the upcoming Batman movie. It looks like they kind of skimped on the budget, but I can definitely see how Heath Ledger got sucked into that dark place that made him require fistfulls of anti-depressants.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Party in WeHo!!

Matty's checking this out tonight with co-workers. Won't you join us?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oldie But a Goodie

Since I can't watch current television, I'm going back to refresh my memory on old television. And by old, I mean like 2003.

Keep up people!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Know No One Cares But...

The Tony Nominees are out for this year!

To be quite honest, I'm not sure I care all that much either. I suppose I should be more excited when two of the best new musical nominees (Cry Baby and Xanadu)are from fabulous gay musicals of the 80's but...meh. I'm just not that interested this year.

Maybe I'm just bummed I can't muster up the $200 for a local Tony awards party hosted by Florence Henderson and guest starring Ms. Carol Channing! LA is NEATO. If only I could afford it...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Moving Day!

After 40 days and 40 nights in WeHo. I'm moving to a cozy little studio in a town called Mar Vista, over by the beach and Sony Studios.

The first picture above is from the "front door." From the left is my wall heater, the closet, my kitchen (a mini-fridge and microwave) and my bathroom. The second picture is looking back at the front door while I stood next to the fridge.

It's all part of the adventure. I'll post more pics once I get things set up. Maybe I'll even have a bed by the end of May. WEEEE!

Thanks for all of your support everyone!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Cinematic Classic

Because I'm feeling fancy...

Old school Disney is CREEPY!

And because I'm feeling gay...

You get down with your bad self, mountain demon!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food Poisoning...WEEEE

Nothing's come up or out so far, but...this song pretty much describes how I feel.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Where'd That Title Come From?

Here you go. The inspiration for this weeks Galore Episode Title. Labia Limbo.


Monday, April 21, 2008

New Friends in LA

The things I pick up in a bar...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Check your calendar...

It's 4/20 WEEEE!

Here's a picture of me from last year. I hadn't shaved in a while and I'll be damned if I can remember what I did with that salad bowl on my head.

And while we're celebrating, it was 119 years ago today that bouncing baby boy, Adolf Hitler was born!

Lord, I need another hit...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our New Blog!

That's right, we're so cool we had to have TWO BLOGS!! We couldn't contain the Galore-ish-ness! You can find the event and news blog HERE

Check us out, yo!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring Is Bustin' Out!

About F-ing time!

Seattle was up in the 70's and Los Angeles was toasty warm. Matty even went to the beach to ogle boys...I mean, write. The day was so nice, and Matty's so productive that he was actually able to do both. YAY!

Do you have any rituals to welcome the warm weather back?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Holy Moses!

At 84, Charlton Heston is dead.

The former NRA president will be greatly mourned by the Jewish Community, horse racers, and damn dirty apes.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Have a Nagila, Have Two Nagila, Have Three Nagila, They're Pretty Small...

I got tired of wandering the beaches in my basic black cocktail dress and decided it was time to get a job. So starting Monday I'll be working as administrative assistant to a Rabbi and a Cantor.

No foolin' I'm serious!

YAY new jobs!

And according to the "ccchhuuaaa" sounds this lady is making, I'm gonna need to down a super sized milkshake before I get in on Monday. CCCHHHUUUUAAA! CHUUUHHHAA!

What Happens When a Pinata and a Drag Queen Have a Baby?

Be kind, the woman's 90!

Good lord...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Did You Get All of Your Chores Done?

Hope everyone had a great Sunday afternoon. Thanks to Veovix for posting this first and giving me something to share with all my friends out there.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to scrounge up some kleenex...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Matty's New Watering Hole

It's just around the corner from my new place. I've been there once and it feels like home. A little more old mannish than I'm used to but it's not like I'm getting any younger, and it's just a stumble away.

Join me in a drink, won't you.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The GAYEST Thing from 1953

So I'm here in LA, enjoying the warmth and watching my netflix:

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes to be precise.! GAY!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Behind the Power Curve

Well we missed St. Patty's day, but that's alright cause Cinco De Mayo is just around the corner...kind of. Oooo first there's April Fools Day...

Anyway, tune in to a special episode getting posted on Thursday to hear about all the latest changes in the Galore pod-hosts lives.

In the meantime, suck on some satirical Showboat meets Cabaret meets Baby Jane from Broadway's Leading Ladies. Matty's first random PBS Broadway musical which just opened a big gay can of worms.

Fagalicious am I right, ladies?

For Seattle locals, don't forget to go see Cabaret playing at the 5th Ave theater starting Tuesday March 25th.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thanks To Tom Coffee!

Of Spilling for generously providing the the Corporate Vader picture in our last post. As anyone who normally reads the blog can probably tell, the pictures used are very rarely ours. This is primarily due to the free associative nature of the posts and how they're on-the-spot observations which don't provide the time to create our own set of photos. Our hats goes off to people who can take the time to create so much original content, it DOES make their blog that much more creative and original. We definitely don't mean to be stingy with the recognition because there's no way we could create the majority of images used to spice up this blog. But don't they make it that much more interesting?

So, going forward we will make more of an effort to recognize those who've provided us with a substaniative portion of our visuals. Perhaps you've already caught on to the irony that the above picture was perloined from Gift of, a site dedicated to inspiring others to be kind, compassionate, and loving to one another. Awwww.

Thanks to Tom Coffee (for bringing this issue to our attention), Gift of Kindness, and all the other websites who've helped Galore-y Blast to be the big colorful group effort it is. BIG GROUP HUG!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Nerd Alert!

The mood struck me to change my signature quote on my hotmail account. For whatever reason I thought of a perfect cynical yet thoughtful one from my past, but couldn't remember how it went.

So I googled the words I could recall. That didn't work. Then I remembered...I set up a geocities web page YEARS ago. On a whim, I tracked it down and...

My first web page.

I thought it had been deleted years ago. Maybe now that you can see it, I'll wish it had been.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My Hat Goes Off To You...

...lady who does her make up on the bus. Firstly it's fun to watch the transformation. Secondly, how the hell do you not stab your damn eye out with the mascara stick?


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sassy PANTS!!

This clip is mildly old, but due to it's incredibly sassy nature (and calling out of Andy Dick) is still relevant. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Time to Strip!

It's the first Saturday of the month and that can only mean one thing. PAY YOUR RENT!!

Ok, means two things. Rent and BACON STRIPS at Re-Bar starting at 11:30ish.

Above is footage from the first Bacon Strips Matty went to in November. 2 minutes in you get to see the FABULOUS Maxine Delacunt do a little ditty from Chicago.

Rumor has it this month she's got two numbers...

PS The theme is 70's porn. Slather on the blue eyeshadow and don't shave your pubes and you can get in for $5 instead of $7, AND possibly win prizes in the costume contest!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hot Shit!

You're not changing the face with any of the costumes?? Really?! Ok...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Wikipedia's Just Being Mean...

Less than 24 hours after Mit Romney has dropped out of the presidential election, the article for the day is about John Smith's gold plates.

And if you look close, a recent article is famed popular conservative President, Ronald Reagan.

And to add insult to injury, scroll down and what's today's Featured Picture? John Edwards in front of an American Flag!

It's not nice to gloat, wikipedia.

Monday, February 04, 2008

We're So Hip!

We're predicting "breaking news" on CNN before it was even posted. While it may be a 38 year old story, WE talked about it first in 2008 on this weeks episode

Here's an in depth report with all the footage on CNN

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Insurance is Fun!

I'd never seen this one before. Oh James Lipton...

Although this one is still my favorite. See how much being in the closet for 50+ years breaks your brain!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Run Like You're Being Chased by Satan!!

And so the countdown begins...not to the Oscars (cause no one on this podcast cares apparently). To Matty's move to LA.

I just turned in my notice.

About time, it's freaking FREEZING here!

In About 8 Hours...

...I'm giving myself the gift of unemployment. Some say it's the gift that keeps on giving. And in the spirit of giving, let us not forget the most wonderful gift of all...

...You Tube...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Birthday LEGO!

Remember those long Saturday afternoons when you made a LEGO wall all the way around the living room? What's the biggest/weirdest thing you've made with LEGOs?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Finally Happened

Work has become so much a standard part of my routine now that I think I could honestly find myself on the bus one day without pants and the only thing stopping me is that my legs would be cold when I left the apartment.

The Kitchen Area at Work...

...smells like the continental breakfast nook at a hotel. Mmmmm, warm things. Blech. What does your kitchen smell like?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My gay, gay ipod

I'm fine owning up to my gayness in all it's forms, but seriously, if my ipod plays ONE more Electric Light Orchestra song on random today, I'm just gonna strip down to my purple unitard and skip through downtown Seattle with a streamer behind me!

I HEART Seattle

"Benjamin Franklin Climbs 5,000 Stairs

Have you always dreamed of watching someone dressed like Benjamin Franklin climb 5,000 stairs? Today's your lucky day. This afternoon in the University of Washington's Red Square, historical presenter G. Robin Smith dons his Franklin garb and hauls himself up 5,000 stairs, to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. (UW's Red Square, between Odegaard Library and Kane Hall, 2–4 pm, free.)"

From The Stranger Suggests

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fatal Diseases are PRECIOUS!!

As found on the Seattle waterfront in the Ye Olde Curiousity Shoppe, Giant Microbes.

I'm not sure what's more cuddly, HIV or Polio.

Maybe the Clap.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pakio's Favorite Video Ever!

It may be months after the fact, but we deliver. Here it is, in all it's half minute glory. The DRAMATIC CHIPMUNK!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm Not Sure They Can Do a Gold Anniversary

Did anyone else know the Smurfs were 50 years old?

Apparently the TV cartoon didn't start until the 80's, but as characters, they've been around since 1958.

Which Smurf would you be?

Growing up is Hard!

A slow day at work today let me to free associate on wikipedia where I started researching Thundercats. It was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid. And then I saw a picture of the guy who did Lion-O's voice...

I hoped maybe to improve my mood by looking up the voice of He-man but just found this...


Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Saturday is Pakio's birthday and Monday is mine. Happy Birthday shout outs to all my Capricorn peeps!

As evidenced by the picture above, we're gonna rock and roll all night and party every day! Um...with a moose. Every kid looks like they've got something on their minds. What do YOU think they're thinking? Let us know.

And you know whoever is in that moose costume has a thought or two about ankle-biters.


Casual Friday Cums Early (ewww)

Looking up something about the upcoming birthday's, I found this. Thought it was cute. Especially since he bothered to put black socks on.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Sweet Lord!

I found something gayer than my new Super Mario Galaxy game!

That's right, it's My Little Pony Live.