Pride weekend was not only a rousing success, it was really a lot of fun. But DAMN, two days of celebration wears a body out. Especially when it takes so much work to be so fucking fabulous.

From left to right, there's me, co-host, Matty, food fixer extrodinare Matt, and co-host Pakio. This was us in Volunteer Park on Saturday afternoon shortly after the end of the parade on Broadway. I did my own make up (which is why I've got a mask covering it :P), and Pakio designed himself and Matt.

Here's mine and Pakio's cock shot from the staging area of the Sunday parade. I think I look like a tubby leather lumberjack but whatever. Those wings had taken hella abuse Saturday night as I got sloppy. Thanks to Matt and Pakio for the emergency repair job before we left their place. Don't they look good. Unfortunately I apparently threw them on the ground and jumped up and down on them later that day cause when I looked them over Monday morning they were kind of in shambles.
Oh well, it's not Pride without at little destruction of fabulousity, right?
Just a little over a month till Vancouver Pride.