Update on MacWorld Apple Keynote:

Apple today announced that they will be selling a 4gb and 8gb model iPhone for $499 and $599. The iPhone will be a widescreen iPod/Cell phone/Internet Content with an exclustivity agreement with Cingular/AT&T wireless. As a side note if you are interested in having the iPhone with your carrier then contact your wireless carrier and express your interest in them carrying the iPhone.
The iPhone also is loaded with OSX with versions of Safari, mail and iPhoto loaded on.
The iPhone will operate as a widescreen video iPod. Many users as well as myself have been wanting a widescreen iPod for a very long time. It also has interface between Address book, iChat, and mail to syncronize content between your iPhone and your computer. I see many advantages to this phone and can even see a user using it instead of a cell phone if a city like Seattle were to offer free wireless internet or if they were to partner with an a company like Clearwire to with the phone so a user doesn't need a celluar service to use the phone within the city.
The good news from the iPhone is that I believe that Apple will announce in the next few months a new widescreen video iPod with the Voice over IP capiblities in 60 gb and 100 gb sizes so you will basically get an iPhone without the cellular capiblities. This release will probably have the capabilities to share your itunes library and other content from other computers. This will make the iPod both a media player and a mini computer in your pocket.
Apple also announced the Apple TV. This product will have an 40 gb hard drive built in and will do exactly what we all thought it would do. Which is to stream movie, tv and music content to your television. It is a cool product and having the ability to interconnect one library between several PC's will be a popular feature. The drawbacks are that it will cost you $299 for this fuctionality. My personal feelings at the moment is that you can buy a cable for $29.00 that will do the same thing as the Apple TV.
Apple also updated the WiFi Apple Airport basestation to work with HD content at faster connection rates. This with the Apple TV will allow a user to get HD content to their TV. Again, you can do the same thing with an $29.00 cord. Unless Apple can give us more of a reason for getting this product I don't see it as a necessary product that users needs. AND it becomes and issue of over complicating an already over machined part of your house. Maybe some solutions for Apple is to put in a DVD drive in the Apple TV so that I can get rid of my DVD player or something. I just don't want to add compentents to my TV setup. I would replace a compentent though.
So overall this was a good keynote and it leaves room for many tuesday "special events" where we can lay in wait for new and exciting updates and products! YeAAHHH APPLE!!!