Thursday, July 24, 2008

O M G ! !

This is so close to the old Muppet Show, I'm very excited. Could this be the new generation of Muppety goodness? Viral Muppets on the internet? I had a case of viral muppets once...and now I'm sterile for life


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday Morning Flashback

On my latest fall into a YouTube hole, I've rediscovered the commercials I watched every Saturday as a kid. And then traveled back in time to see what Saturday mornings were like even before I was born. As fun as it was, listening to all the exciting music and seeing the flashing imagery, I think I know why my parents always sent me outside to play by about 11 or 12 o clock each Saturday :P. If I've done this right, the clips below should be in chronoglogical order, starting from the early 70's. It's like listening to my Pure Disco cds in commercial form! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why I Took Up Yoga

An artists rendering of the girl who watched me swim at the pool.

Thanks Jerimy. Razzle Dazzle Radio rocks!

Friday, July 11, 2008

OMG I'm So Excited

It's been a long time since I've had a good laugh at an SNL skit.


Baby Batter

In the spirit of NBC humor, it's been forever since I've watched Conan O'Brian (what with my 8 o clock bed time cause I'm old) but I remember fondly his "If They Mated" segments. This mash up doesn't have the audience reactions and funny jokes he makes when he does the segment, but it really gets to the heart of the matter :).

I always loved when the audience would just groan loudly as soon as they saw who the couple was even before the baby picture was revealed.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008

So Very Tired

Reason #32 why diet pills are a bad idea...

Hopefully I can sleep tonight.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Are We Sick of Pride Yet?

For whatever reason, I'm not. I searched this video for the boys but don't think I saw them.

See anyone you know?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

My Pride Theme Song

I don't care if it's after the fact. This clip from HR PuffNStuff goes right up there with Free to Be You and Me.

What else did I miss from the 70's?

More From Pride!

It's about a month later, but here's me and my movie night buddy at Pride.

Yay movie night!

Friday was Valley of the Dolls and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls!

Next one will be Grey Gardens and The Beales of Grey Gardens

The one after that will be Beaches and Fried Green Tomatoes

